Rolf Movement Integration

The Integration of Structure and Function through Rolf Movement® Integration

Rolfing® Structural Integration enables your body to regain its natural integrity of form, enhancing posture, mobility, and vitality. Individuals differ, however, in how readily and sustainably they embody the resulting new way of being in their bodies. Distortions of body structure are primarily caused by responses to life experiences that engender habitual ways of perceiving and moving in the world. Over time, such patterns of response distort the body’s natural form and movement so that structural imbalance becomes self-perpetuating, and may even block opportunities for personal growth.

Sustainable transformation of an imbalanced structure involves revising the movements and perceptions that underlie the imbalance. Rolf Movement® Integration, a somatic sensory-motor approach to movement education, helps clients optimize and sustain structural ease through balanced movement behavior.

Originally developed by mandate from Ida Rolf, who believed that movement education was a valuable adjunct to the hands-on structural work, Rolf Movement Integration has evolved into therapy in its own right and an inherent feature of the Rolfing Structural Integration process. This distinguishes the Rolf Institute’s training program from that of other SI schools.

How does Rolf Movement Integration work?

A Certified Rolf Movement Practitioner™ helps the client recognize her current perceptual and movement responses. The client and practitioner then explore the sensations of freer and more fluid motion during breathing, walking, bending, lifting, and other simple daily movements. Through further sensory-motor experiencing, the client learns to embody the qualities of efficient and graceful movement during more complex activities in work or leisure environments. By perpetuating balanced body use, the client fully embodies her Rolfing experience.

The Rolf Movement process may occur within the Rolfing SI session and can also take place in separate movement lessons.

Dr. Ida Rolf’s core message regarding her work was that it would lead to more human use of our human beings. Rolf Movement Integration is a means through which this message comes to fruition.