Dr. Ida Rolf Institute News

Interested in updating you fascia knowledge related to sports and movement?

The 4-annual congress‚ Connective Tissues in Sports Medicine, will be conducted as an online event this year, thereby allowing for a much wider international participation.

Hosted by our faculty member Robert Schleip, PhS, and his colleagues at the Technical University of Munich/Germany, the focus of this high quality educational event is on the latest insights about the role of fascial tissues in sports and movement.

The impressive list of keynote speakers includes Daniel Lieberman (Harvard Univ.), Carla Stecco (Padua), Paul Hodges (Brisbane), Keith Baar (Davis Univ., Calif.), Irene Davis (Harvard Med. School), Mette Hansen and Michael Kjaer from Copenhagen, Adamantios Arampatzis (Berlin) and many more.

Participants can attend in real time during the two online event days March 26th and 27th, 2021, but can also watch the related recordings with any time delay between a few minutes later and up to 6-months afterwards.

Special bonus for DIRI members: when mentioning the coupon code, connect-ida, at registration, you will receive a 15% discount.

More at www.connect2021.com